Monday, August 2, 2010

There's a bit of a water hazard on this one

One of the draws of being at sea is that you never know what the day will hold; whales, waterspouts or rare fish could be just ahead. Many times, however, the next notable object to float by is manmade.

During a net tow, Pam noticed something floating just ahead of the ship. At first glance it looked just like the flags I see marking the hole on the golf course behind my house, but surely no golf courses have been built at sea, right? It turns out it was a buoy with a pvc pipe attached and a black flag flying on top.

The crew grabbed it as it floated by, and our best guess is that it was a fishing industry marker of some sort. It said “M-FL” - Miami, Florida? If anyone knows anything about this object, we’d love to hear it.

Other large, identifiable items that floated by during the cruise:

A jug, which looked like something that held antifreeze, etc.

A black plastic container for plants.
Please excuse the font and spacing issues. We are working to resolve these.
Posted by Jennifer O'Keefe

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