Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dive, Dove, Dived

We've been having fun learning the Fijian language and discussing American and British use of the English language.  Spelling has never been my forte and it didn't go unnoticed that I wrote dove instead of dived either.  The laughter continued discussing how Americans can truly mess with the "English" language starting with A for aluminum.   But it's all in great fun and we've had a lot of it combined with a rigorous schedule.  The stories we are gathering while in Fiji are compelling.  Issues I have not come across in my research will be highlighted in this film and worth watching on the big screen.  I have been studying this issue of plastic in the marine environment for over four years now and I cannot believe the evidence we are racking up here.

We've been doing a lot of diving as well.  This image is from what they call the "Fish Factory."  So many different fish, so many FISH.   I came here as a skittish diver, but with all the diving I've been doing, I'll leave with some new skills thanks to Craig Leeson and Michael Pitts.  Check out his link, it's amazing footage of plastic entanglement.  Got to run, but will share how I ended up working with Michael and Craig in an underwater scuba filming session.

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